Dave's Warrior Mom

Welcome to a journey through the life of autism. This site is dedicated to my beautiful boy, Dave.  I have written openly on social media for years and have had countless people tell me that I needed to start a site, to share all I knew with others. So I have finally started my blog. On the blog page I have organized each post into helpful categories like; the beginning, first steps, signs of autism, therapies, and triumphs, for easier content find. Within our story there are deep sorrows, small miracles and great triumphs. Writing about it all allows me to release the emotion that I keep bound in the depths of my soul. It is my greatest hope that through my catharsis,  I may be able to help, inform and/or encourage others. If I can be of comfort to even one person then I count this lifetime trial as a success. Thank you for visiting my site. God Bless you, Dave’s Warrior Mom

2 Corinthians 1:3-5